NEWS: Speaker Mattiello says RhodeMap will sit on the shelf

Mattiello 2

By Sam Wroblewski

“The plan is never going to come before the House or the Senate in its totality and we’re never going to vote on it,” House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello said in reaction to the State Planning Commission unanimously passing the controversial RhodeMap RI plan.

Mattiello told WPRO’s Gene Valicenti he disagreed with the approval of the plan, saying if a policy is going to set the direction of the state it must have the approval of the people. The Speaker also criticized the plan for being too general.

  • Read more about the passing of the plan Here

“Such a plan needs to be much more specific, much more pointed with a direction you actually go in not just ideals and goals.”

RhodeMap RI drew fire from critics who accused the plan of being social engineering and an insider deal; while proponents said the plan is necessary to move the state forward.

Mattiello said he is more interested in looking at the four-year economic plan his legislators passed in 2013.