Utilities regulators approve natural gas rate increases

National Grid crews are working at Warner St. just a block off Broadway in Newport during the 2019 gas emergency. Photo by Steve Klamkin, WPRO News.

WARWICK, R.I. (AP) — Rhode Island utilities regulators have approved an increase in National Grid’s natural gas rates, but because of the ongoing economic distress caused by the coronavirus pandemic, deferred half of the impact on ratepayers.

The Providence Journal reports that with the Public Utilities Commission’s decision Wednesday, instead of paying an additional $97 over the 12-month period starting Sunday, the typical homeowner who uses gas for heating and cooking, will pay about $48.

For qualifying low-income customers, the annual increase will be about $35.

By deferring collections for half of the $30.7 million increase, the commission didn’t reduce the amount that customers will ultimately pay.