Providence schools post draft reopening plans

Providence Schools headquarters. File photo by Steve Klamkin WPRO News


The Providence Public Schools Monday issued plans to reopen at the end of the month following the abrupt closure in March due to the coronavirus pandemic, posting a draft, 75-page proposal, called “Reopening Strong”.

The plan calls for health and safety protocols to cope with the coronavirus and presents four options for schools. Full or partial reopening with in -person learning; limited learning or full distance-learning, with what Turnaround Superintendent Harrison Peters calls the flexibility to move between the four scenarios.

Peters says the plan is built on equity, with priority for special education, multilingual, differently abled, or other at-risk students.

“We have the responsibility to reopen schools in a manner that keeps our kids and entire school community safe, that attends to the trauma that many have suffered, that acknowledges the district’s role in disrupting systems of racial oppression, and that provides every student equitable and excellent opportunities to learn and thrive,” Peters said.

Provisions are being made for teachers and other staff who may be medically vulnerable to the coronavirus.

See the Providence Schools’ draft coronavirus reopening plan: