Revised abortion rights bill faces vote in Senate committee

The Rhode Island State House. Photo by Steve Klamkin WPRO News

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) – A revised bill to preserve federal abortion protections in Rhode Island state law faces a vote in a key state Senate committee.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on the bill Tuesday.

The state senator who holds a swing vote on the committee said Monday he is backing the revised bill. Sen. Stephen Archambault, a Smithfield Democrat, in a statement said “I am pleased we have reached an agreement that accomplishes my goals of codifying Roe v. Wade and ensuring that safeguards are built in to limit late-term, post-viability abortion.”

Archambault voted against the House-passed language last month, killing the bill in committee 5-4.

Senate spokesman Greg Pare says among other changes, the revised Senate bill removes the expansion of who may consent to a minor’s abortion.