Matt Brown announces gubernatorial run as Democrat

Former Rhode Island Secretary of State Matt Brown announced Wednesday that he will seek the Democratic nomination for governor.

“I’m running for Governor because we have big problems in our state and I’m convinced that we need change,” Brown said. “Here in Rhode Island we can build a different kind of economy that works for everyone, an economy that brings money, opportunity — and economic power — back to people and communities. We can live up to our values and provide a good education for our kids and healthcare for all, strengthen our communities and leave no one behind.”

“Incomes aren’t close to keeping up with the rising costs of the basic things we need, our schools are crumbling, our hospitals are bankrupt and closing and nothing seems to really change. People are worried that their kids will be worse off than they are. Worry has become a fact of life for many,” he said.

“There is growing energy and eagerness within the Democratic Party for change. I’ve seen it all across the state,” Brown said. “I look forward to joining forces with people in every city and town in Rhode Island to push for change that better reflects our values, to create an economy that works for everyone – not just big corporations, big banks and the wealthiest few – and to be bold in the face of big problems.”

Brown was the Secretary of State from 2003 until 2007.