PODCASTS: Trading allegations of harassment at the State House

by Tara Granahan, WPRO

New allegations of harassment at the State House from Rep. Ramon Perez who told WPRO’s Tara Granahan that he and the other men on Smith Hill feel like “a target.”  The statement came after last night’s sexual harassment training where Perez asked a question about trading sexual favors for bill advancement or votes, saying “How do you do that exactly?”

That question upset Rep. Moira Walsh, who took to social media to cricize her “male colleague” for making light of the topic, which led to Perez telling WPRO listeners he’s being harassed.

Earlier today, Rep. Pat Serpa, who also attended the training, told Tara she felt Perez’s question was misinterpreted; he was only reacting to say, “how could someone do that?”

Granahan has invited both Democratic representatives of Providence to sit down and discuss the allegations and controversial topic on WPRO.  We’re standing by.