PODCAST: Elections board member challenges Block complaint


Former candidate for Governor Ken Block recently leveled a number of allegations against the state Board of Elections, saying it violated its own voter ID laws by not requiring voters who voted via mail ballot to show a required ID. Board of Elections member Stephen Erickson challenged those claims on WPRO’s Matt Allen Show on Monday.

“Ken has over the last few months made a series of allegations about whether or not people should have confidence in the election system. Some of these allegations, like his most recent one about mail ballots, are just flat out wrong,” Erickson said.

Block’s claims were an attack on the integrity of the Board of Elections, said Erickson. He claimed Block never approached the Board before filing a federal complaint with the Department of Justice.

“At the last Board of Elections meeting when I asked him that question, why did you just go to the Department of Justice, he said “because I don’t want to argue with you on Twitter”. Well, what kind of answer is that?” Erickson said.

Block, meanwhile fired back on Twitter, saying Erickson “continuously misrepresents” his complaint