Raimondo to continue Clinton support despite Sanders’ RI win

Hillary Clinton and Gina Raimondo speak at Rhode Island College. Photo by Steve Klamkin WPRO News
Hillary Clinton and Gina Raimondo speak at Rhode Island College. Photo by Steve Klamkin WPRO News

by Doug MacGunnigle, WPRO

Governor Gina Raimondo will continue to support Hillary Clinton in her quest for the presidency despite Bernie Sanders’ stunning 55% win of Tuesday’s primary election.

“Obviously, I’m disappointed Hillary didn’t take Rhode Island, but otherwise she had a terrific night,” Raimondo told WPRO’s Anita Baffoni.

Sanders received 55% of the vote to Clinton’s 43%.

When asked if she would continue to support Clinton in her role as a superdelegate at the convention, the governor said “I’m going to continue to endorse Clinton. She looks strong going in to the convention. But again, Bernie’s team ran a great campaign in Rhode Island, hat’s off to him. But, I’m still behind Hillary.”

Baffoni asked again, “So you’re ok with voting against what the Rhode Island people wanted to see in the race?”

“Like I said, she had a great night and I think the superdelegates will stick with her,” said Raimondo.