Local university launches initiative to strengthen workforce

RWU President Donald Farish and Gov. Gina Raimondo discuss the university's new initiative. Photo by Steve Klamkin WPRO News
RWU President Donald Farish and Gov. Gina Raimondo discuss the university’s new initiative. Photo by Steve Klamkin WPRO News

By Sam Wroblewski, reporting by Steve Klamkin

Roger Williams University announced the launch of a new initiative aimed at building and strengthening the Rhode Island workforce.

University President Donald Farish was joined by Governor Gina Raimondo and Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza Thursday afternoon to kick off what is being billed as “Roger’s Revolution,” a program which promises to train thousands of graduates with skills needed to grow the local economy.

“Instead of saying ‘here’s what students need to satisfy disciplinary requirements,’ we’re saying ‘here’s what students needs in order to have a great job and a great life,’” said Farish.

The initiative would link the university’s schools of Business, Sciences, and Law in partnerships with local businesses, government entities, and nonprofit communities to give students usable skills for the 21st Century. Elorza said Roger’s Revolution would have a secondary effect on the local economy.

“All of the research tells us that if college graduates already have a connection to the community, be it the business community or otherwise, they are much more likely to stay and that helps to reverse the brain drain that we have here in Providence and Rhode Island,” said Elorza.

The university hopes to generate thousands of job-ready workers over the next three years to help improve the state’s economy.