Cranston schools open on Good Friday

A bus drops off students at the Garden City School in Cranston. Photo by Andrew Augustus WPRO News
A bus drops off students at the Garden City School in Cranston. Photo by Andrew Augustus WPRO News


All but one of the Cranston public schools opened their doors Good Friday morning following a two weeks of controversy.

The Cranston School Department came under fire from the city’s education union when it denied the requests of over 200 teachers and assistants to take Good Friday off.

Parents in Cranston had to wait until Friday morning to find out if their child’s school would be open. Parent Elizabeth Hall has a child in kindergarten and second grade and she believes the school could have handled the call outs better.

“I personally think it was terrible, I feel like they could have made the decision sooner, but I don’t know enough about it,” said Hall.

“I guess they had to wait for last minute call outs or whatever, but I feel like they could’ve just canceled the day and it wouldn’t have been the end of the world.”

Fellow parent Cari Petrella agreed, saying the schools could have reacted more efficiently.

“I kind of sit on the fence, I understand completely where the teachers are coming from, but I also think the school department handled it really poorly,” said Petrella.

On Wednesday the Cranston Teachers Alliance called the school’s department’s move to inform parents the day off “reckless.”