Bristol-based business incubator receives development grant

Commerce Secretary Stefan Pryor robotics with students at Tinker|Bristol. Photo by Andrew Augustus WPRO News

By Sam Wroblewski

The Rhode Island Foundation has awarded a $50,000 grant to help develop a Bristol-based nonprofit manufacturing lab geared towards helping innovators get their ideas off the ground.

Tinker|Bristol was conceived by President and co-founder Todd Thomas as a sort of gym membership for businesses, but instead of using weights manufacturing equipment to test new ideas.

“This is a much better investment to get these companies to grow, to add jobs, add orders to their companies; grow the economy,” said Thomas.

The new lab located in the Bristol Industrial Park will offer access to shared space, prototyping equipment, tools, and 3-D printers at rates even hobbyists can afford.

Commerce Secretary Stefan Pryor said he believes ideas like Tinker|Bristol can help boost the state’s economy.

“It’s a tremendous win for Rhode Island because it’s really an opportunity for our workforce, it’s an opportunity for entrepreneurs, and it’s an opportunity for young people to learn about the entire process,” said Pryor.

The grant will go towards attracting and resources to the new manufacturing incubator.