WEATHER: Governor expands traffic ban to all roads

A snow plow stuck on a Rhode Island highway. Photos by WPRO's Liz Burke.

By Kim Kalunian, WPRO News

Governor Chafee has expanded the ban on travel to include all traffic and roads effective immediately.

Chafee told Gene Valicenti and the WPRO Morning Show that the ban is open-ended, and motorsists should take it very seriously — anyone who violates the ban will be fined or arrested.

General Kevin McBride, Commanding General of the National Guard, told Gene Saturday morning that it's imporant to get the roads open so residents can have access to community shelters and warming centers across the state that are beginning to open. McBride said this is particularly important as more people are without heat for longer periods of time.

McBride said keeping the roads open is also imperative to restoring power, since National Grid crews need to be able to access downed power lines.

"The local road shut down by the Governor is definitely going to help us tackle the problem more efficiently," said McBride. Adding, "we're trying to work as quickly as we can."

For detailed forecasts and up-to-the-minute closings and information, visit our Operation Snowball page.


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